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God has blessed me tremendously with an amazing husband, Doug, and two gorgeous little boys, Gavin and Joey. It has always been a dream of mine to have a large family but God may have other plans. I had a series of 6 consecutive early miscarriages when trying for baby #2. We are currently trying for baby #3 after our 7th miscarriage. I am faithful that God's plan is perfect, even when I am not happy about it. I love comments and meeting new followers so please don't be shy!

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Giveaway: Essential Oil Package and The Buisiness of Being Born

The wait is actually over but I made 14 days worth of activities to do during my wait.  Today's activity is to watch a TV show or movie about birth or pregnancy.   I am going to be watching the movie The Business of Being Born.  I have heard so much about it and have always wanted to see it so what a great excuse to finally see it!

The past few weeks we have been working with Gavin on sharing, since Joey is now reaching the age of wanting to be involved in real play.  So in honor of Gavin learning to take tuns and share his things, I'm going to share a DVD of this movie with one of you!   A great item for any couple who is expecting to have a baby in a few months or a few years! 

Also to sweeten the pot just a little, I am also going to be giving away 1/3 ounce of essential oil, a jar with diffuser reeds, and the carrier oil from Chapter One Herbs!  A complete set for some aromatherapy!  Not only do essential oils help to freshen a room, it does so in a natural, chemical free, and healthy way.  Why spray toxins into the air when you can do without and see a real benefit from the wonderful aromas?  The winner will be able to choose either Lavender or Ylang Ylang.
Most people know that Lavender can help stress and anxiety, but did you know that it can help with easing menstrual cramps?  What about helping the respiratory tract when you are congested from the cold or flu?  It is even toted as being an antidepressant!  So, if another cycle of trying to conceive has you in the dumps or if merely the stress and anxiety of the holidays leaves you feeling frazzled, this would be a wonderful choice for you!

Ylang Ylang essential oil is a perfect addition to your bedroom.  If you are trying to conceive, or just looking to keep things lively in the bedroom, Ylang Ylang is a all natural aphrodisiac!  Put this oil in a reed diffuser on a night stand, add some lingerie and maybe some soft music... and let it work it's magic!  This is a great thing to keep in mind for Valentines Day as it is not a traditional gift but a great gift for lovers! 

Enter today and share with your friends! 

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