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God has blessed me tremendously with an amazing husband, Doug, and two gorgeous little boys, Gavin and Joey. It has always been a dream of mine to have a large family but God may have other plans. I had a series of 6 consecutive early miscarriages when trying for baby #2. We are currently trying for baby #3 after our 7th miscarriage. I am faithful that God's plan is perfect, even when I am not happy about it. I love comments and meeting new followers so please don't be shy!

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Friday, December 16, 2011

While I Wait... 7 DPO

Prayer is so important.  One of the things I have struggled with from the time I was a young girl is praying.  I mean, how do I talk to God?  I have always been taught my manners and showing respect to my elders, teachers, and authorities.  I often get tongue tied when I try to pray.  This is what my prayers often sound like in my head.

Dear God... wait.. is Dear God the start of a letter to God or a prayer?  Um... God.  That isn't any better.  I'm just going to go with Dear God.  Dear God, I want You to ... what I want is not always what I need... I want your will to be done in the lives of person X, Y, and Z but I am really hoping that it is your will to bless them with item A, B, or C.  And, then, if it is in Your will, wow... I feel like I am giving God a to-do list.  What should I really be praying for anyway?  I'm just going to skip to thanking Him for all of the wonderful things he has already blessed me with.  Thank you for my wonderful family, our health, and having food, drink and shelter.  Amen.
So today I am going to pray everything I want to pray for and recognize that God hears my edits so I may as well just talk to God and trust that He knows my intent and my desires. 

Thank you, God, for all of the wonderful gifts you have given me and my family.  I am so thankful for our health, the love that we share, the support that we give, and the lives that we live.  I know I need to do a better job of doing Your will and sharing my faith in You.  I really struggle with being a spoiled child and wanting what I want without regard for Your plan.  It isn't very Christlike for me to be like this.  I am sorry.

Since You are always with me, You know how much I want another child to come and join our family.  I feel confident that You will bless me with another child when Your timing is perfect.  I pray that You continue to help me find patience and understanding when Your plan doesn't make sense to me.  When I watch people experience such sadness and loss, I seek to better understand You and lean on You.   I need Your continued guidance and no matter how spoiled I act sometimes, I do know that Your will is what I need.  You have proven to me time and time again how Your plan is perfect and for this I thank You.  I am very much looking forward to seeing what You have planned for me next!  Amen

How do you pray?  Do you just let it all out there and speak your mind or do you try to me more organized?  If you have a link about prayer feel free to link it up below or simply share your thoughts in the comments section below. 


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