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God has blessed me tremendously with an amazing husband, Doug, and two gorgeous little boys, Gavin and Joey. It has always been a dream of mine to have a large family but God may have other plans. I had a series of 6 consecutive early miscarriages when trying for baby #2. We are currently trying for baby #3 after our 7th miscarriage. I am faithful that God's plan is perfect, even when I am not happy about it. I love comments and meeting new followers so please don't be shy!

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trigger Happy

Being partway pregnant is a strange situation to be in.  It may end up being a good thing for me to be able to pee on sticks and see two lines and not have the adrenaline and the pregnancy psychosis set in.  If you have ever been pregnant before, even more so if you have a history of miscarriage, you know how the mind spins wildly out of control form the excitement to worry and then it turns to a place between psychological limbo and cautious optimism.  But today, I peed on a stick and saw nothing but two lines.  Two lines that indicate nothing more than the fact that I had hCG in my system that in most cases indicates a pregnancy.  For me, it only means that I had an hCG trigger shot on Monday morning.

I have tested a few times, out of curiosity, to see how dark the lines would be.  On Friday I tested expecting to see a pretty dark line on my test.  For the record, I am using a cheap internet dip strips but the line was neither dark nor impressive.  It was positive though.  Today I took another and the test line was about the same, maybe a teeny bit lighter.  I can't believe I am about to say this but I am hopeful to get those tests back to negative.  OR an even better scenario would be that that line would get lighter but then start to get darker and darker again.

The nurse at my RE's office who gave me the trigger told me not to test for 16 days from that day since it is possible to get false positives before then.  I decided against outing myself as a "POAS addict" and telling them that I planned on testing the trigger shot out of my system.  So, if I do get good news early, I am going to have to sit on it for a while before calling the office.

I am going to post pictures of my HPTs with how many DPO I am in hopes that it helps someone else out there who wants to know how long it takes to get a trigger out of your system.  I will post today's picture and each day I will update the post with a new picture so be sure to check back if you are curious.  If I have good news, you can bet that will get a post all to itself!

Here is the first picture in the "testing out the trigger" progression!
What is with this one?  I thought I was almost done with trigger?!  Ugh!

Adding my current cycle with a trigger for all of you who like to follow along this testing out tradition! This time I started at 1 dpo since I wanted to see how dark the trigger lines started. It was 10,000 units of HCG.


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